måndag, augusti 08, 2011

Inspiration; gloomy.

I wish the sun was heated for his breaths to come
I wish the candles were lit for his eyes to see.
I wish our world was united for lifes to come
and wish my heart could bare his distance of his open palms

The path of gloomy mud in our ways,
but our new lifes are flying like butterflies´
We're set free in the break of dawn,
and as the sun shall rise again, our lifes shall come to be ours, forever.

Make my eyes see the sun
Lit the candles along our way and take my hand
Together we will live.

söndag, mars 21, 2010

You make the sun shine a hundred times brighter
and the trees seem a little less gray
I fell hard to the ground, and my knees are still tied to the cold ground
I've learned to relax,
and I'm not so scared anymore.
I never thought my timid thoughts could be shared with someone
my heart, your heart in one
you give my scars a reason,
you fill them with your poetry, and me the glory of a thousand suns

Increase my vision with your melody

torsdag, mars 18, 2010

With my heart in your locket

I'm a flying bird, tied to the ground of caramel
my senses create roots on your neck as wind break through us
I'm a whatching ghost touching shades of twisting color
Tears are soaring leaves sun forgot to let bliss
and silver diamonds forgotten

You are just here,
But darling,I'm no longer there
although authum will go my way
As life has begun, will your dreams fade
Don't forget me, but let me pass
Destiny seperates us, and took me another way

Don't let wind and destiny put you in a deadlock,
shut out from the world
as long as I shall walk as a flying bird, you 'll let me fly away

måndag, mars 15, 2010

Att en låt kunde lära mig om minnen

visa mig och lugna mina sinnen

Jag sitter i fönstret och stirrar ut

Grått mot regn mot många slut

Bortom barr, träd, åska och vatten

Finns ett ljus som lyser upp och utrotar natten

Rösten kastar skuggor och ekar

Någonstans inom mig minns jag mitt hjärtans lekar

Du är mitt ljus bakom molnen.

onsdag, januari 20, 2010

Moments of a MIRACLE

Oh here,
Where I set my everlasting rest
And shake the oak of inauspicious stars from this world worried flesh
Eyes look your last
Arms take your last embrace
And lips
Oh you doors of breath
Seal with a righteous kiss
A dateless bargain to an incarceration death

These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die,like fire and powder,
Which, as they kiss, consume

Death, that has sucked the honey of thy breath,
hath had no power yet upon thy beauty

söndag, januari 17, 2010

Erik Grönwall <3

Erik var på besök i Jönköping, så jag och Rebecca var där och lyssnade <3